Sunday 26 May 2024

A sad week - mind elsewhere

This week has been OKish for training although my heart and mind have been elsewhere...

Unfortunately Lucy lost her Mum on Wednesday 22nd May, which was a real shock. She was a such a warm, wonderful and kind lady and I will miss her a great deal. My poor wife is shaken beyond belief and has been on an emotional roller coaster since Wednesday. 

Sometimes it is nice to get lost in a run, swim or cycle. Lucy and I might actually try and get away on the touring bikes at the end of next week - escapism, not always a bad thing.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Another crack at a 5km ParkRun

Last Saturday I had a crack at another 5km ParkRun. To date, I have only ever done 4 events - Horsham, Worthing (PB of 20:22) and now 2x Hove Seafront. My last attempt in 2019 (Hove) I recorded a time of 21:52 and last Saturday I managed 21:53 (Garmin time).

So not too bad and slightly better than my target range or 22-23 minutes. My age rating improved a little to just over 70%.

I do think I still have a better time left in the tank, probably not sub 20 minutes or a PB but something around 21 minutes. I suppose anything is possible if you train hard enough and are committed.

I have researched a training scheduled to improve my 5km, as you may expect the training runs focus on intervals, tempo and a (faster) long run, with cross-training in between and lots of rest.

This morning I just enjoyed an easy Z1-2 pace run in the sun (along seafront). I am unsure of whether I could totally commit to a training schedule for 5km, or any other distance, but am pleased I can still get out there and simply 'do it'.

Never say never!

Thursday 28 March 2024

Sri Lankan experience

Fri 29th March and sitting in the sun around the pool in beautiful sunshine.

We are day 3 of our Sri Lankan experience and currently at our 2nd destination of Habanara, staying in an amazing Treehouse.

We were up this morning at 4:15am for a 4:30am pick up to take us to Pidurangala rock, which was a relatively challenging climb in the dark to get up to the top for a wonderful sunrise. We managed the climb up in less than 20 mins so had plenty of time to see the sun come up just after 6am. Simply spectacular!

The rest of the day will be spent at the Treehouse resort around the pool, although we will get out again later today. My cough is a bit better (warmer climate) although I still haven't completely shaken it off. Need to get in some fitness, other than walking. I did bring my jump rope and it needs to see some action! Otherwise, I will be returning a few kilos heavier.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

March update - not so cheery

This last week has not been so great...

Very unlike me, but I have had a really bad cold, which I think I have mostly beaten, although I have a lingering cough I just can't shake. Fitness has taken a back seat to give my body the best chance to recover, but it is becoming a bit of a drag.

I go on holiday in a weeks time and I want to feel well (plus strong + fit).

It was only a couple of weeks ago when everything was going pretty well. I had completed the Brighton half-marathon with my family and loved running with my Son, although he eventually pushed ahead (with my blessing) and I came in slightly after him with a time of 1:47, not that great, however I thoroughly enjoyed the day.

In addition to my regular running I had been increasing the strength + weight sessions and even managed 10+ chin-ups on the pull-up bar. Still more training to hit a reasonable number of pull-ups, although I do have a program.

As I am writing this blog (over 2 days) another slightly odd and unfortunate evening in that I think I had another episode of kidney stones, which last hit me about 10-15 years ago. It certainly had all the painful symptoms, however today I have felt kind of OK. Let's hope it was a one off. Otherwise my holiday to Sri Lanka just became a little less certain!

Going to drink much more water, something I have struggled with over the years.

Anyway, let's hope for better news and a more positive update next time. Hopefully on the plane to Sri Lanka feeling fabulous.

P.S. Need another event or 2 in the calendar 

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Flotation tank + 48 hour fast

A couple of activities (health related) to catch up on...

As planned, I managed a half-marathon distance training run on Saturday, from Hove to Saltdean, and back at a relatively comfortable pace. The return leg was slower but against the wind. This was closely followed (with tired legs) with a 45min session in a flotation tank.

I did enjoy the flotation tank session but probably won't be going back. It was good for relaxation and quite like a meditation session, but it didn't give me the buzz I had hoped for. I reckon I could get the same benefits (post exercise) from a sauna, at a much lower cost.

On Sunday we jumped on the road bikes for a local loop. My legs were relatively tired but I was pleased with my efforts. From there it was a shower on out for a nice lunch at the Perch, Lancing.

I then decided to start a 48-hour fast just to see how my body would feel plus determine any benefits - weight loss, reset of gut, changes to appetite etc.  I did a bit of research prior hand and decided 48 hours was about right for most benefits and a decent enough challenge.

The first 24 hours whizzed past and I felt no hunger. The second, a little more challenging, although I never really felt proper hunger, it was more of missing the habit of eating, if that makes sense. During the fast all I drank was water, black coffee, green tea and a half of glass of slightly salted water.

I ended the fast successfully at lunchtime today but probably ate the wrong foods - quite a large amount, albeit bias to protein (steak and prawns). It wasn't that I was that hungry it was simply 'back to normality'.

So, what did I learn and any immediate visible benefits from the 48 hour fast. Well, I did lose about 1.5kg but that might come back quite quickly, especially if I can continue to eat as I did this lunchtime! My first few mouthfuls of food did taste good and I enjoyed eating them slowly and savouring the flavours - felt a bit more intense. I certainly found the whole experience quite easy so maybe I should include in my diary each quarter (or month). This evening I did 30mins weights. Tomorrow I plan an interval run.

Back to it.

Thursday 1 February 2024

Monthly check in - what has been happening

Thursday 1st Feb and reporting in...

Just had my 56th birthday. Feeling relatively fit(ish) - During January I have managed to reduce my weight down a couple of kilos but still need to do more work to get it back into healthy range. Drinking less alcohol has helped, albeit not a totally dry January (more 'damp' January). I do however, wish to continue the less alcohol drive through February, and beyond. It certainly helps, especially with my sleep quality. I generally get a good 8 hours per night but my Garmin sleep score if I had a drink in the evening is always around 50-60. With no alcohol is it mostly in 80's - there has got to be something in that.

Otherwise, I have increased my 'TRX and Weights' sets to 2-3x a week (previously once a week) and received some additional weights plus barbell as a birthday present - thank you Lucy x

I still need to work on my daily water intake plus creating a focus on protein over carbohydrates, each meal. I feel my bias to real food over processed options has continued to improve, not that it was ever that bad. I have also slightly reduced the intake of sweet and salty snacks - now much more of a treat.

So the weight + focus on strength is finally moving in the right direction.

The colder (+ wet) weather through January has resulted in less outdoor cycling (more Peloton based). My running is OK - I am probably a little behind where I wanted to be - need some longer/easy runs and some shorter/higher intensity sessions, especially as my half-marathon (Brighton) is less than a month away.

I do have an easy/longer run planned for this coming Saturday - I want my legs nice and tired prior to a flotation tank experience, the kids have treated me for my birthday, which I am excited to try out.

On Sunday we have a bike ride planned for the morning with a nice gastropub lunch for afterwards. I was then thinking I might try a 48-hour water/black coffee/green tea fast from around 1pm Sunday through to 1pm on Tuesday - pretty challenging, probably more mentally than physical. I am simply interested in how I would cope, how I would feel and if it help reset any markers plus assist with weight loss.

Hopefully providing some decent content for the next blog.

Monday 1 January 2024

2024 - thoughts on fitness, health and wellbeing for the year ahead

So it is 1st January 2024 and we are just back for a lovely few days in Malaga - we found the sun in December 😁.

Back home it is grey, windy and wet! Oh well, don't you just love the UK.

Anyway, we did manage a nice bike ride in Malaga - a slow start (Garmin navigation issues) but once we found the hills, it was amazing cycling. I have to admit I was very rusty and found one particular part of the climb (17% incline) very challenging, so much so, my legs cramped out and I had to stop for 5 - not great!

Back home I am thinking about the year ahead - as always my weight needs to be addressed - this must have been on my 'to do' or wish list every year for the last 5 years plus! But that recent mountain climb on the bike made me really think it needs to be sorted. I have the Brighton half-marathon in February and I want to give it my best - dropping 5kg must be part of my preparation for the race.

Thereafter I need to keep the weight off, or at least in check, as I do intend to enter a few more races - some local trail runs, maybe another SwimRun, and possibly a half-Ironman, yes, you heard it here - I really do want to get back into triathlon.

So, one step at a time - I am committing to 'dry January' and a reduction in snacks + sweet treats. The training volume needs to be increased (gradually - I don't want any injuries), the strength training needs to be properly included. Protein needs to be the focus of my meal plan and carbs/sugars reduced. Let's see where that gets me - hopefully to the start of Brighton half-marathon suitably prepared and a target of 1:40(ish) in mind.

Thereafter, I will report back with those next races and the all important half-Ironman attempt!

Happy New Year.

A sad week - mind elsewhere

This week has been OKish for training although my heart and mind have been elsewhere... Unfortunately Lucy lost her Mum on Wednesday 22nd Ma...