It's all a little too much negative news at the moment and a bit of a downward spiral - less training, more weight gain, more guilt....
I somehow have not only lost those Christmas pounds but added to the problem by putting on further weight.
I had a gym test today (only blood pressure, height, weight, waist measurements plus a very easy step test). Fortunately all looked good although I weighed in (with my clothes on) at just under 79kg, my heaviest weight for years, and a good 4-6kg heavier than my fighting (Ironman) weight - oh dear, oh dear!!
While talking about tests I recorded a 200m and 400m time trial swim yesterday and my times were 3:24 and 7:12 respectively. The 200m time is within a few seconds of my PB so not too shabby, however the 400m, which was the swim we did first was a good 20 secs longer than my PB. I think I went out a little slow to start and never really picked it up (too much Pegler pace). Plus of course I am nowhere as fit as when I was training for Ironman and swimming 3 times a week.
Anyway, I am all geared up for an easy run into work tomorrow plus a bimble back on my Brompton. Hopefully that should add a few hours to the Strava tally and help towards this week's goal of 10 hours plus.
Got to also switch to healthier snacks to shake this extra weight. Lots to do!
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