Thursday, 12 March 2020

Markets collapsing (also my training)

So I work in the financial industry - as a Chartered Wealth Manager. Let me tell you, if you don't already know..... it has not been a good week.

Markets are collapsing, Trump has just banned European flights (ex UK) to the US for 30 days, Tom Hanks has got Coronavirus, Boris could close all the schools in the UK..... not good at all.

Unfortunately, my training seems to have gone the way of the markets. I have been so caught up in this whirlwind of news that I seem to have forgotten about my plan and exercise commitments, and that is despite the arrival of my lovely new Garmin Fenix 6, which I thought would give me a new impetus to get out on those trails.

To be honest, the weather has remained pretty grim, and when I did venture out on my local trails it was a total bog-fest. However, that should not have stopped me running on the roads and getting in that pool, all vital training for my SwimRun event in late August.

As the spread of this Coronavirus continues it might mean I am working from home a little more - you would thought this increases my chance of exercise, however I have got into a bit of a routine of using my commute as a bit of a training session - it also gets me out of the door earlier and provides that morning exercise window, which personally works best for me.

So....more effort needed, if my routine has to change so my exercise program has to adapt to. Let's just hope they don't have to shut the pool!

My eating habits also need to be improved - I tend to have a healthy diet, however snacking and more drinking (alcohol) has an ever increasing part of my day to day living, which isn't going to help, especially when my exercise levels drop. You can see why people get into a 'vicious circle' so quickly.

What am I going to do about it....

Well I certainly need to log a couple of runs/swims over the next few days. I also need to schedule some longer distances runs, book a few events and also add in the speed/strength work - all have been lacking!

I also need to provide a quick review on the Garmin Fenix 6, which I am loving.

Keep safe out there!

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