So more recently my focus has been on trying to burn a few calories indoors. I have followed up on my interest in the benefits of jump rope, thanks to the guys at 'Jump Rope Dudes' (check out their YouTube channel). My initial effort was a classic 'cock-up' in that rather than complete the recommeded 5-10 mins per day, every other day, I went straight into a 30 mins set of the same exercise, trying to build my total up to 800 jumps. All cleverly recorded via my Garmin and new 'Jump Rope' widget/activity.
Anyway, you can guess it - a stupid rooky mistake that messed my hamstrings up and meant I could hardly walk for a few days after.
I did persevere with the jump ropes and have enjoyed a couple of additional sessions, post injury, this time around at a more realistic time effort of 10 mins each - reaching 400+ jumps and max reps of 50+ - getting better! I plan to continue with the jump ropes aiming for 3x weekly sessions - hopefully increasing the time, total jumps, max reps, cadence, and eventually mixing up the footwork - I am currently only focusing on the simple boxer's jump using both feet.
In addition to the jump ropes I am also increasing my efforts on the Peloton bike (now that I have re-calibrated the bike) and time in the 'cave of pain': TRX and weights. Plus I have been more regular in my daily push-up habbit.
None of this indoor work has helped much with the weight issue - still hovering around 86kg, however I do feel a bit stronger and have had less injury niggles.
Let's hope the weather improves and I increase the bike and run (outside fun), however I continue to complement the triathlon training with some decent resistance training plus HIT.
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