Thursday, 28 March 2024

Sri Lankan experience

Fri 29th March and sitting in the sun around the pool in beautiful sunshine.

We are day 3 of our Sri Lankan experience and currently at our 2nd destination of Habanara, staying in an amazing Treehouse.

We were up this morning at 4:15am for a 4:30am pick up to take us to Pidurangala rock, which was a relatively challenging climb in the dark to get up to the top for a wonderful sunrise. We managed the climb up in less than 20 mins so had plenty of time to see the sun come up just after 6am. Simply spectacular!

The rest of the day will be spent at the Treehouse resort around the pool, although we will get out again later today. My cough is a bit better (warmer climate) although I still haven't completely shaken it off. Need to get in some fitness, other than walking. I did bring my jump rope and it needs to see some action! Otherwise, I will be returning a few kilos heavier.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

March update - not so cheery

This last week has not been so great...

Very unlike me, but I have had a really bad cold, which I think I have mostly beaten, although I have a lingering cough I just can't shake. Fitness has taken a back seat to give my body the best chance to recover, but it is becoming a bit of a drag.

I go on holiday in a weeks time and I want to feel well (plus strong + fit).

It was only a couple of weeks ago when everything was going pretty well. I had completed the Brighton half-marathon with my family and loved running with my Son, although he eventually pushed ahead (with my blessing) and I came in slightly after him with a time of 1:47, not that great, however I thoroughly enjoyed the day.

In addition to my regular running I had been increasing the strength + weight sessions and even managed 10+ chin-ups on the pull-up bar. Still more training to hit a reasonable number of pull-ups, although I do have a program.

As I am writing this blog (over 2 days) another slightly odd and unfortunate evening in that I think I had another episode of kidney stones, which last hit me about 10-15 years ago. It certainly had all the painful symptoms, however today I have felt kind of OK. Let's hope it was a one off. Otherwise my holiday to Sri Lanka just became a little less certain!

Going to drink much more water, something I have struggled with over the years.

Anyway, let's hope for better news and a more positive update next time. Hopefully on the plane to Sri Lanka feeling fabulous.

P.S. Need another event or 2 in the calendar 

A sad week - mind elsewhere

This week has been OKish for training although my heart and mind have been elsewhere... Unfortunately Lucy lost her Mum on Wednesday 22nd Ma...