Tuesday, 13 November 2012

'Brompton Bomber' strikes again

Anyone that followed my inaugural blog 'Journey to Ironman Austria' may remember a post that I wrote back in February that mentioned the 'Brompton Bomber' - link to story:


Since that fateful day I have seen the 'Brompton Bomber' a couple of times, mostly as he speeds past me. On those occasions I have been on my singlespeed bike and have found it difficult to maintain his speed, unless I push the cadence up to 120rpm.

I cycled to work yesterday and after an easy 30 min, slightly hilly, warm up decided to up the speed as I hit Shoreham. I was cruising nicely at about 32km per hour, when... you guessed it... I was overtaken by my old adversary the 'Brompton Bomber' - this time however I was on my road bike and had a full 20 gears to play with.

I was straight on his tail and he sensed the pursuit. The average speed increased from 32 to 34km/ph then 36 to finally around 39km/ph - I could not believe he was hitting those average speeds on the flat with wheels at least half the size of mine. I still had something left in the tank and decided to crank it up and push the speed to above 40km/ph and make my move. Just as I hit the gas he indicated to turn and he disappeared off down a side street, once more the victor.

Next time... I will be ready for you Mr 'Brompton Bomber' ...bring it on!

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