Sunday, 26 March 2023

Not perfect but good enough

So I made it to Sunday and got the majority of the plan completed - not that it is really a proper plan yet, simply thinking more seriously about the sessions I need to do and shift the gear in May - Aug.

Not the 6+ hours I scheduled but a good 4-5 hours of mixed sessions, including a club swim (first for 3 months), albeit I dropped down a lane, from 4 to 5.

In the swim I started OK and thought I would be alright but as the lengths added up I realised how 'swim unfit' you can get in 3 months, probably the longest time I have had off swimming since I started triathlon training in 2006!

I am really going to have get back to 2-3 weekly swims (pool, lake and sea) to be able to do my SwimRun A-Race justice - so lots of work ahead.

Next week is going to be a bit crazy as we head off to Vietnam on Saturday so I need to clear the decks at work/home before we jet off. Hopefully I might get in another couple of runs but I will be lucky to break 2 hours in total.

The family holiday in Vietnam is a bit of an adventure affair - lots of travel but we will also be very active.

Will try to check back before we jet off and during the holiday. My trainers, running gear plus swimming goggles will be packed and I am expecting some use!

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