Thursday, 15 May 2014

From 'feeling stong' to 'falling apart'

Last week's entry was titled 'Feeling Stong' and was posted after my long run into the office. Since then I feel I am falling apart a little, although as I now recognise the issues, hopefully I can take appropriate action before it gets more serious.

On the day after my long run I felt a niggle in my left tendon. Giving my experience when I last had tendonitis problems, which took almost a month to rectify fully, I immediately backed off the training. I also began my various stetching exercises and ice therapy, at least once a day.  All of which worked before (after time). A week later I have just done my first run since the niggle arose, keeping the pace and volume nice and easy.

For some reason I have also been suffering by some neck pain. At first I thought it was simply as a result of an awkward night of sleep but not sure if it is related to my swim stroke. Over the last month as the focus in the pool has moved to higher intensity I have been reverting back to breathing on one side as opposed to the bilateral breathing, that I was trying to practise more often.

Fortunately the stiff neck pains do not last for long and are not stopping my training in anyway. On top of the neck issues when I swam last night I also experienced some of the worst cramp I have had for some time - I'm falling apart!!

What I am getting better at is listening to my body and taking action sooner. As you get older it certainly takes longer to recover so it is not worthwhile taking the risk of long-term injury.

I hope to build back up the intensity over the last couple of weeks of my build phase before I enter my peak training when I try and put it all together: intensity, volume and more race specific training. It will be so important to keep injury free during this peak phase of training and before my big race at the end of August.

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