Thursday, 22 May 2014

Slow recovery

Well this tendon niggle is here to stay despite all the daily exercises and ice treatment!

It is certainly not as bad as last time and only confined to one side (left ankle), however it is a bit of a bore and stopping some of my planned higher intensity run sessions.

I am gently re-introducing the running but progress is slower than I would ideally like and of course I hope the light exercise and stretches is helping to make it stronger. The discussion out there appears to be split between those advocating complete rest and those recommending slowly strengthening the tendon area.

Hopefully my next post will confirm a complete recovery and back to 'training as usual'. Only another week of the build phase and I am into the lumpy peak period when I expect to push the weekly training hours from 8-12 to 12-20 hours.

I will keep you informed!

N.B. Getting more interested in doing an ultra distance race next year - probably a 50 miler first.

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