Monday, 17 February 2020

Achilles niggles, SwimRun podcasts and the week ahead

I tried to give the ankles a rest last week and skipped my normal run set(s). This morning I tried a relatively easy out and back (turn on 15 mins) at sub 5mins per km pace. It was a bit of a miserable morning and for 5 mins I was caught in a sleet/rain downpour. Unfortunately, although I managed the run within the target zone, my Achilles were no better than last time I ran.

I have had this before and I generally know what to do - lots of strength exercises and stretching needed - a good 15 mins per day minimum with possible ice treatment. What do they say RICE (Rest - Ice - Compression - Elevation). In addition I might invest in a new pair of trainers (this has helped before) and upgrade my Asics GT-2000 from Series 7 to the new 8's. I normally like to change my trainers every 500-750km. My current Asics are coming up to the lower limit, although I thought I would have had a few more months in them yet. Fortunately I get a half-price pair through my Vitality life insurance scheme (points means prizes!), which means an investment of £60, rather than £120 (ouch!).

Once I sort the Achilles problem I look forward to getting back into some faster interval/tempo sets (to help with my 2020 goal of breaking 5km in under 20 mins) and then some hills/endurance sets to start building my running strength for my SwimRun event in Septemeber - the 'A' race.

I haven't bought any new kit for my SwimRun challenge yet, although hope to start making some investment in April/May (wetsuit, strap-on pull buoy, specialist footwear etc.) at which time I may also start consider some outdoor swimming (sea + lake). For now, I am starting to do some research about the events. I found a couple of interesting podcasts hosted by Dr Chatterjee, who I have a lot of respect for - I have read one of his books and looking forward to reading his other 2. Dr Chatterjee found SwimRun in 2019 and speaks very highly about the sport - not just about the discipline but the connection between the teams and with Mother Nature herself.

If you are into podcasts and want to know more about SwimRun I recommend you check out episode 73 and 96:

So in terms of training what have I got for the week ahead? A word of warning, I always seem to list more than I actually complete!

Mon: 30mins tempo run
Tue: 60mins swim (checking out local pool - solo swimming)
Wed: 90mins cycle
Thu: 30mins interval run
Fri: 90mins cycle
Sat: 60mins Club swim
Sun: 60mins easy run

So, if goes to plan (big 'if') then approx. 7 hours, which I would be more than happy with.

Not sure about the solo swimming, which I have struggled with before - generally little motivation to complete a session. I think my only chance is to go in with a specific set in mind. I do need to build my swimming up to at least 3x per week. The good news is I am likely to use paddles and pull buoy for my 'A' race so will train a lot more with these toys.

I will check back in soon to let you know how I did.

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