Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Review of Newton running shoes

Well I will give it to you straight - I am very impressed

I decided on a 30 min run mixing up very easy pace work plus a few quick bursts of speed and some steady track work around Preston Park outdoor velodrome.

I am not sure if it is psychological or not but I certainly wanted and expected to be faster an that was the result I got. Now may be as that was in my mind my legs were working harder and faster to achieve that goal and it was nothing to do with the Newton shoes. More evidence is required but after my first experience I am keen to put them further to the test.

There was a definite spring back that I experienced and my foot simply felt it was being positioned more correctly to land towards the mid to front of the shoe rather than the heal. General consensus is that quite a bit of energy is lost from heal striking.

At the moment I am feeling no discomfort whatsoever so tomorrow I intend to take them out for another trial, possibly increasing time and distance a little.

Who knows if I continue to get on well with them I might even consider them as my shoe of choice for the marathon.

Early days but I will keep you informed of my progress.

Now... Shower, smoothie and work

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