Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Training not commuting

Jumped on my singlespeed this morning for the planned training session / commute to work. My legs felt a little fatigued from Sunday's long run so I decided against the very hilly route. Once you make that kind of decision the danger is you can easily slip into commuting mode and possibly log some junk miles.

My definition of training is that it has to generally have a purpose, even if it is an easy recovery ride. Whereas a commute is simply getting between 2 points beacuse you have to.

Even though my legs were fatgiued this morning I was determined not to turn my scheduled training session into junk miles. So during my warm up (first 15 mins) I decided on the following intervasl set:

8 mins IM race pace (above 30km per hour)
2 mins easy spin recovery

Repeat 3 times and then follow with 15 mins cool down

I was pleased that during the 8 mins race pace sets I maintained a speed, generally in the region of 30-35km per hour for the majority of the period, even on my singlespeed.

Nice that the mornings are so much lighter now so I can easily read my Garmin watch without using the light.

Happy training!

1 comment:

  1. Nice timings! I also train while commuting, my work is 45min by bike from home, so I get a good workout in!


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