Anyway, they seem pretty good during my first run so they will be my default training shoes going forward - best to stick to what you know works!
I also ordered the start of my SwimRun gear, which I hope I will get an opportunity to use for my scheduled A-Race in Loch Lomond at the end of August. I am looking forward to receiving some Saloman trail shoes that are specifically designed for the SwimRun event - light and have water drainage holes.
I have my eye on a Westsuit but unfortunately they do not have my size at the moment.
Talking of my size, this lockdown might be doing good for my fitness levels but I am not doing myself any favours on the weight goal (I definitely need to lose 2-4 kg over the coming months). My weekend drinking (not in excess but enough!) is now more like daily drinking. The snacks that go with the glass of wine or gin & tonic, salted nuts, crisps, cheese etc. add to the problem.
I need to take action and stop talking about it - let's hope I can share some progress on the weight front over the coming weeks.
That is it for now - I plan a fast run today (only 30 mins) and a bike ride with my Fiancee tomorrow. Volume generally down a bit this week.