Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Jump ropes, Peloton rides and more focus on strength

I am looking out the office window and the weather remains grim - I enjoy a cold-spell, blue skies and frosty underfoot, but all we are getting is rain and wind! Simply the worst weather for wanting to get outside and exercise. 

So more recently my focus has been on trying to burn a few calories indoors. I have followed up on my interest in the benefits of jump rope, thanks to the guys at 'Jump Rope Dudes' (check out their YouTube channel). My initial effort was a classic 'cock-up' in that rather than complete the recommeded 5-10 mins per day, every other day, I went straight into a 30 mins set of the same exercise, trying to build my total up to 800 jumps. All cleverly recorded via my Garmin and new 'Jump Rope' widget/activity.

Anyway, you can guess it - a stupid rooky mistake that messed my hamstrings up and meant I could hardly walk for a few days after. 

I did persevere with the jump ropes and have enjoyed a couple of additional sessions, post injury, this time around at a more realistic time effort of 10 mins each - reaching 400+ jumps and max reps of 50+ - getting better! I plan to continue with the jump ropes aiming for 3x weekly sessions - hopefully increasing the time, total jumps, max reps, cadence, and eventually mixing up the footwork - I am currently only focusing on the simple boxer's jump using both feet.

In addition to the jump ropes I am also increasing my efforts on the Peloton bike (now that I have re-calibrated the bike) and time in the 'cave of pain': TRX and weights. Plus I have been more regular in my daily push-up habbit. 

None of this indoor work has helped much with the weight issue - still hovering around 86kg, however I do feel a bit stronger and have had less injury niggles. 

Let's hope the weather improves and I increase the bike and run (outside fun), however I continue to complement the triathlon training with some decent resistance training plus HIT.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

It has been a while since my last confession

It has been a while since my last confession....

Since my half-marathon event back in October my training and diet has been a bit 'hit and miss' .

As always, fitness remains an important part of my life and I still seem to manage a broad range of activities and movement. However, there has been a lacking of structure and commitment, not totally unusual for this time of year but I feel I should be doing better.

My weight in particular has reversed and back to the levels I was uncomfortable with after my holiday in Vietnam (in April). So, my first priority is to get that back down into an acceptable range. I am a bit bored in telling the same story: 80kg to 82kg is the goal, 76-80kg is the stretched goal (maybe unrealistic) and 86kg is now where I find myself.

The good news is that I have recently found some focus on strength and spent more time in the 'cave of pain' with my TRX and weights.

I am also researching the benefits of jump rope (skipping) and will report back if that becomes part of the regime. Otherwise, I have also enjoyed a couple of cold-water sea dips, whether that does any good, or not.

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Race report (delayed) - Bath half-marathon

Sorry... not posted my post race report for the Bath half-marathon on the 15th October...

Just back from a nice easy local 10km trail run in the mud - kept it really easy (6:15 min per km) but enjoyed being out. My training post the Bath half has been pretty light, to say the least, although not been such great weather.

Anyway, onto the race report...

As I have peviously highlighted I went into the race with my Achilles (left foot) and Plantar fasciitis (right foot) niggles but fortunately they didn't give me too much trouble.

It took a good 2-3 hours to get to the start line, a long drive, although with no hold ups, and then some fun and games getting parked and into the City centre with the thousands of other runners who like us had opted for 'Park and Ride'. I was quite surprised at the size of the field, apparently some 15,000 runners!

We found Amalie, grabbed a coffee and headed for the start line. Just to note when I first got up at 6ish I made sure I had a good helping of porridge. We were in Bath by 10am and supposed to be off at 10:40am, a nice respectable time.

It felt good to be on a crowded start line once again (been a while) - Amalie (her first ever running race) was so excited and that was lovely to see. I wanted her to have a good race. Initially she wanted me to run with her, and set a steady pace to get her over the line within 2 hours. Then the goal changed to sub 1:50 and then on race day we agreed on a slightly more ambitious 1:45 - now this was going to hurt a bit!

With previous PB's (1:35 ish - a good number of years ago!) I thought a sub 1:45 was possible but we were going to have to push it. The race gun started and we were off. There were a lot of people and it took 2km to settle down, at that time we were already averaging more than 5 mins per km so our pace needed to increase to achieve our target. Over the next 10km we ran consistent 4:40 to 4:45 mins per km.

I thought Amalie would tire but she was loving it - she rows for Bath University and her fitness / strength is good (better than mine). Anyway, helped by all the crowd support we kept on pushing the pace right through the second lap and then to the finish.

About 0.5km from the finish (a short climb) we saw Lucy and Oliver who gave Amalie and I the final support we needed to push for the finish line. Amalie was on a high and you could see she wanted to sprint the final distance - I let her go and have her glory - she deserved it. She got around 1:43 on the clock and came around 20th in her age group. I followed her in 30 secs later to come around 50th in my age group - good enough for me!

A great day of racing - an amazing first race by Amalie (she is hooked now!) and a very respectable time for me.

Next one... I have booked the Brighton half-marathon but this time will be running with my Son, Alex.

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Taper week

Do I even deserve a taper week?

Not really, the training remains a little on the light side - I have been cautious because I am still struggling (bored saying it!) with some minor foot/ankle injury - on my left side, tendonitis, and on the right - my heel (plantar fasciitis). Over the last few days I have been using a massage ball under my feet while I sit at my desk, which I hope is helping - who knows!

My last long(ish) run was on the 7th October, 8 days before the event - I managed 16km at a 5:08 min per km pace - not too bad, although it felt relatively hard and was also quite hot.

I should be OK on the day and hoping the chance of doing a big race with thousand of runners will motivate me, plus keeping up and setting a decent pace for Amalie.

Just 3 days now...

I will let you know how it goes. See you on the other side.

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Post-conference run from hotel to Windsor Castle

Just pack from a 2-day industry conference in a beautiful hotel on the borders of Great Windsor Park. The workshops finished at 5:15pm and by 5:30pm I had my trainers on and was ready for a run through Windsor Park towards the castle.

There were hundreds of deer and some impressive stags on route. My pace was OK(ish) but I still had a few ankle/heel issues - not so good considering I have a half-marathon in just over a week's time.

Anyway, I love getting in a run when I have these occasional business trips and I am in a new area - to run through a deer park and up to Windsor Castle was pretty epic. The hotel gym, pool, steam room etc. wasn't too shabby either!

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Post Bewl and thinking ahead to Bath

This morning I managed a steady 6.5km run (local loop) at sub 5min per km pace - my first run effort since the Bewl SwimRun event. I was pleased that the body, legs and ankles felt OK and my pace was decent.

I was a little more wary of my heart rate - it did hit 157 today but the average over the 6.5km was 140. Looking at similar runs (same route and pace) my stats are about the same. On the 7km run section of the SwimRun my HR averaged 151. That all makes sense and doesn't concern me. Just need to get a bit more training running in a wetsuit.

So over the coming weeks my focus will switch to the Bath half-marathon on the 15th October - not long. I need to get in 1-2 longer runs (without injuring myself) and some sprint intervals plus tempo runs.

I will post my race strategy in a future blog but currently looking at an average pace of 5mins per km to hit around the 1:45 time. In theory, this should be a relatively comfortable half-marathon race pace for me (not PB territory), although I might be kidding myself a bit! Need to get the final training in so that it is more of an enjoyable experience. Another 1-2 kilos reduction would also help - just under 83kg today.

Monday, 18 September 2023

Race report - 21K solo SwimRun @ Bewl Water

Well I did it... My first SwimRun event and first proper race for many years.

I was a little nervous but enjoyed the overall experience. Nice venue and well organised.

A little disappointed with the overall result - 3:16 finish and middle of the field effort, although I was probably unrealistic in my goals - the winner only just got in within 2:40, so tougher than I expected.

The good news was my swimming (normally my weaker discipline), which was quite decent. On many of the swims I was overtaking other swimmers, sometimes the athletes that had previously passed me on the run sections. My arms didn't feel too bad from using the paddles the entire route and the pull-buoy worked well.

The bad news were the runs (normally my stronger discipline), which were really quite poor. The first 1-2 shorter distances were OK but the longer 7K and 4K sections were pretty awful - I found myself walking on some sections and not just up the hills. I simply struggled running in the wetsuit and couldn't get my heart rate down (constantly in the 150-160 range). My legs were OK, as were my ankles (although a little stiff today) but I just didn't to have the energy. I don't think it was anything to do with going to hard at the start or nutrition but more about lack of training running in the wetsuit and the compression effect.

So what did I learn and what would I do differently - I would like to have another crack. Well, number one is to train more running in my wetsuit. I think I should also cut off the arms on the wetsuit to release a little of the upper-body compression and provide more air. Losing weight would have helped - less compression, better wetsuit fit and easier to run. Maybe better pacing strategy, subject to the course and longer run sections. Possibly the swims took more of my energy than I thought.

Anyway I am certainly glad I gave it a go, although it is getting harder to wing these races - I am no longer Ironman fit (and haven't been for a long time!). Note to self... you cannot wing races anymore so there is a greater need for quality and consistent training.

So I am going to give myself a couple of recovery days then will be back on it. My next race is the Bath half-marathon. I need to get in a couple of longer runs, hopefully no ankle issues, and would ideally like to be 1-2kg lighter to make my life easier.

Will keep you updated.

Thursday, 14 September 2023

3 days and counting...

So 3 days to my first (proper) race for many years - The Bewl Water 21K solo SwimRun on Sunday 17th September.

Am I ready?

Well, I expect you never feel like you have done enough. My tendonitis issues certainly didn't help and I still have a few niggles - let's hope it holds up! My training is definitely on the lighter side and not where I ideally want it to be, Achilles tendons issues, or not. My weight is definitely on the heavier side - I did lose a bit but am still going into battle 2-3 kilos overweight, which is also not ideal.

Anyway, enough excuses. My time is nearly up and this week I am taking it pretty easy (call it a taper!). I am looking forward to the event, simply as it is something different and fit enough, or not, I am doing it. Even if the time is not great I reckon I can manage the distance - going for 'completion' rather than 'competing'.

Saying that, I do have some race goals:

1. Get across the finish line with a smile on my face and no injuries

2. Ideally complete the 17K+ of running and 4K+ of swimming (plus all transitions) under 3 hours

3. Stretch target would be 2 hours 40 mins

4. Get on the podium in my age group (50+), although that might happen by default if there are only 3 solo racers for the 21K above 50 years old

I expect my next post will be the race report and results.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Full dress rehearsal - SwimRun training

The weather has been glorious so I used the opportunity yesterday morning for a full dress rehearsal and SwimRun training along Brighton seafront - 3 swims (500m+) and 4 short runs (1-2K each in distance).

I went with my preferred SwimRun gear - specialist SwimRun wetsuit (long-sleeves), Swimrun socks and trainers, pull-buoy (attached to waist), paddles (my original pair), collapsible water bottle (in back zip compartment), swim goggles and hat. I wore my speedo jammers underneath my wetsuit, which fortunately haven't given me any rubbing to date. Finally my Garmin Fenix 6 to record my effort - if it is not on Strava it didn't happen!

On the day I need to take a couple of small extra items - whistle and bandage (I think), which can also go in my rear zip compartment. I am not going with the recommended (but not compulsory) swim float as they are relatively short swims and in a lake - a lot safer than the sea. Plus simply more to carry.

Working on 2mins for every 100m swimming I should be able to complete the 4K swim in 1 hour 20mins and run the 17K at around 5:40 pace, which is around 1:35 to 1:40. So my goal is to finish under 3 hours, 2 hours 40mins would be a great result (stretch challenge).

The tough part of the course is going to run 7 (7.2K) and run 8 (4K), plus swim 7 (1K). The rest of the runs and swims are relatively short - lots of transitions!

Anyway, I am finally getting my 'head in the game' (about time) and trying to visualise the race more, even though I have no experience of an actual SwimRun race.

So humid today - I am waiting to after dinner to go on a run around the town.

Onwards and upwards

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

What a wonderful morning!

Some times I take it for granted but my goodness I am a lucky boy - I live/work in a beautiful area...

This morning I cycled in (easy one - e-Brompton) from the South Downs to Brighton seafront. I stopped on the seafront as the weather was simply sublime - still, warm and bright. It was an opportunity to buy a nice coffee and sit on the beach for 5 mins simply to watch Brighton wake up - seeing people head for a sea dip, sitting on the beach jornalling, walking their dogs - warms the heart!

Another thing to celebrate is that my Achilles injury continues to improve and I have a decent week of exercise planned, especially since the great weather, I might even be ready for my upcoming races!

Have a fab day x

Friday, 1 September 2023

Some better news

So just back from my familiar 6km local loop and second run of the week. Finally the Achilles injury feels like it is on the mend. This morning I managed a sub 5min pace per km so hopefully I haven't lost too much speed (new carbon shoes help!)

I hope to increase the mileage over next fortnight with a short sharp taper to my SwimRun event at Bewl Water. I have to be careful not to overdo it as I will be back to square one and have no choice to pull out from the race.

In other news I treated myself to a beautiful Omega Seamaster, a watch I have always dreamed of. Don't worry my trusty Garmin Fenix 6 will still be my go to watch for training and day to day wear.

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Update on injury and race preparation

I wish I had more to tell...

My race preparation isn't going to plan - my Achilles injury is taking longer to heal than on previous occasions (I am getting older!) so my running has pretty much stopped over last month. I have done a bit of open water swimming and some mixed cycling (road bike and e-bike) but not enough be anywhere near race fit and to generally keep the weight off.

Saying that, after a few false starts, I think I am finally on the mend and may be ready for a run this week - without pain would be good.

Lucy and I are just back from a lovely 3 days in the Lake District. We managed some lovely walks (bit of mist and rain) plus three open water swims in Derwent Water. My ankle was OK(ish) although I acquired a blister from the long walks to add to my collection.  My left shoulder also had a few twinges - what is happening to me!

I really do not want to pull out of either of my races - SwimRun in mid September or half-marathon in October but it is getting close. I don't mind a bit of 'winging it' but I need to be sensible and not do myself any long-term damage (further injuries).

Anyway let's hope I have better news over the coming days - in an ideal world the Achilles injury would be better, I would be able to get a few dummy runs in (checking out race equipment) and I would be 2 kilos lighter - here's hoping (dreaming)!

Monday, 14 August 2023

Achilles still causing me pain

I really enjoyed a nice cycle with Lucy on Saturday morning - 55km on the road bikes, one of my favourite routes that tooks us through Edburton, Fulking, Bramber, Botolphs, Shoreham and then to Hove, where we stopped for a coffee. Then back over the Downs and via Wickwoods, Langton Lane to home - sweet! Fortunately the wind was behind us along the coast.

On Sunday, I wanted to try out my new Asics Magic Speed 2 Eiken R carbon road shoes but was still a little wary of my Achilles niggles. The shoes were great and provided a lot of bounce (felt less effort) but it was probably still to early to run on the injury, despite all the strengthening exercises I have been doing over the last few weeks. Anyway, I returned home, loving the shoes but feeling I hadn't done myself any favours and likely delayed my recovery further.

So I plan to continue with the strengthening of my ankle and lay off the running for a little longer, although it is getting tighter what with my SwimRun event in September and half-marathon in October. Let's hope I get to the start line injury-free!

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Nice sea swim

Yesterday I cycled into work on my wonderful little Brompton, powered by Swytch - always fun. It was also a beautiful morning so I stopped along Brighton seafront for a coffee on the beach before heading into the office - what a way to start the morning.

As the weather was so great (finally) I was determined to get in a sea swim at lunchtime. I went down with Speedos, paddles and pull-buoy and swam around the buoys to complete a 1K swim - the water was a little choppy and the current was certainly dragging me around a bit - much harder one way than the other. I am so lucky to have an opportunity to swim, on my door-step, as such.

Lucy came and met me after work so I didn't have the return commute but I have another opportunity to ride the Brompton when I have to drop the car off for a service on Friday. Otherwise, my Achilles niggles are still stopping my rub training. Really looking forward to trying my new Asics running shoes (with carbon 😀).

My eating / drinking on holiday and post-holiday were not so great so back to 84kg (was as low as 82kg a couple of weeks back). My target of 79kg seems a long way off again - need to get back on it.

Still unsure of my gear choice for the Bewl Water SwimRun - do I go pull-buoy or calf-guards - thinking more pull-buoy at the moment as calf-guards quite warm and uncomfortable to run in - decisions, decisions!

Saturday, 5 August 2023

Running injury, cycling holiday and more new shoes!

It is has been a while since my last post...

About two and a half weeks ago after a long(ish) run and previous ankle niggles my Achilles Tendon issues came back to haunt me. So since then (July 20) my training has been scaled back.

I have been on a short holiday to Slovenia where we cycled for 3 days including a long climb (1,250m height), which I managed on a heavy rental bike - slow and steady in the granny gear.

I also got a few swims in at Lake Bled, which was beautiful. Although I have had some minor left shoulder twinges since then - I am falling apart!

Anyway, just back from my first run since the Achilles injury and it wasn't too bad. My legs were fresh and I ran in my short-distance Adidas (fast) trainers that are relatively new. It was only the last 200m I felt more pain, so stopped and walked.

I probably over did it and have put my recovery back further! Decided to order a pair of trusted 'Asics', albeit a carbon version. Let's hope they help.

Monday, 10 July 2023

Another week - hopefully turned the corner

Well my lack of motivation and training volume has hopefully turned a corner. For the last 1-2 weeks I have pretty much skipped the recommended Garmin Coach runs and done my own thing (less focus). No major reason and certainly not because I am burnt out - most likely a few work/family commitments have taken priority plus I was getting a little bored with the repetitive nature of the Garmin coaching plan - all made a lot of sense but just became less interesting.

Anyway today I feel a little more up for the challenge with the clear priority over the coming weeks of more specific SwimRun training - get on my gear and practice run + swim along Brighton beach/sea. Today would have been a good day to kick that off (lovely day and sea quite calm) although I opted for a commute in on the bike and lunchtime run. The weather doesn't look so great over next few days although unless the sea is really rough that shouldn't put me off.

Let's hope my next post will confirm some action on the SwimRun front!

Sunday, 2 July 2023

Lacking motivation

Only 5 hours of training volume this week and a general lack of motivation (or enthusiasm) - all felt a bit hard work and effort.

It is not unusual and from experience I simply need to get back to it when it feels right (hopefully soon). As I have highlighted in a couple of recent posts I am likely to focus less on the half-marathon training (Oct race) and more on the SwimRun training (Sept race - 'A') so expect to have weekly sessions along Brighton seafront in my diary soon.

It has also been a weekend of slightly excess food/drink so need to make sure I don't undo the good work on the weight progress, albeit still a little way to go to meet my target of sub 80kg.

Monday, 26 June 2023

Updates to share

It has been a busy week, or so, on the work front so getting in all my planned runs (Garmin Coach) has been more difficult. Saying that I did manage a nice effort around London (in heavy rain) on the morning of a conference. Throw in a PB on a local route and a full half-marathon distance (easy pace), I suppose not really a bad week. There was also a commute in on the e-bike plus a few dips (not much swimming) in the sea.

The strength work has dropped again just after my Son (and PT) set me some decent online sets so need to pick that up again.

Otherwise need to transition to more specific SwimRun sessions over the coming weeks, which will be my focus during July and August.

One other point of interest - I was offered free entrance to a local 5km Tough Mudder event in September. Should be fun!

Monday, 19 June 2023

Father's Day run with Alex

So just over 7 hours last week, which wasn't too bad. More strength sets included. I ended the week with a lovely 6km run with my Son, Alex (easy pace so we could talk) along Brighton seafront followed by coffee and pastries on the beach - so nice not to worrying about drills or pacing but enjoy the run plus sun and Son! 

I am up in London today/overnight for a 2-day conference but there is always an opportunity to get in an early morning run along the river. I am now due to move the training to its second phase, more volume but also more specific SwimRun training, more on that in future posts.

Friday, 16 June 2023

So what's new - faster shoes and more strength work

Morning - another glorious day - beautiful weather.

Going OK this week, 2.5 hours on the bike, albeit commuting (and some e-biking), 1.5 hours running (so far), 1.25 hours weights (heavier) and 25min dip in the sea. If I can get in another 1-2 hours of running then I will be happy with the volume.

So what's new....

My trusty Asics Gel-Keyano trainers are coming to the end of their life (800km+) and I decided to invest in some lighter, faster shoes more ideal for 5Ks up to half-marathon. I opted for some Adidas Adizero Takumi Sen8 running shoes, which I managed to get off of Runners Need, using my 50% Vitality discount, for just over £70 (original price was £170, down to £140 in sale). I went for size 9.5, they are quite narrow but the fit is OK (little snug). They certainly are light, actually there is very little to them, almost made from a super lightweight thin plastic. They are not in the so-called 'carbon supershoes' category although I do hope that will improve my times in any faster races. I plan to test them in a park run - always chasing that sub 20 min time! I might even use them for the Balf half-marathon if I run well in them.

I have only had one run in them so far but there was so improvement in my 'magic mile' time, down to 6:39 but still with plenty of room for improvement.

Otherwise, my Son (Alex the Personal Trainer) has kindly set me up an online programme with some heavier weights to get the most out of my strength sessions, which I need to do more of. We have started with 2x sessions a week. Let's see if I can keep up the momentum!

Saturday, 10 June 2023

7 hours so far this week

A bit better on the volume front this week - slow creeping up to 7 hours+ including a 18km long run and a club swim. My legs felt a bit heavy on the long run - I attempted the easy flat run in a fasted state, probably not the best preparation. Next time around I need to pre-fuel with some porridge and potentially add some protein powder - super training food!

Loving the warm weather - I expect to start increasing the sea swims over the coming weeks and then into proper SwimRun training thereafter.

Weight dropping a little bit but could do with sheading another 2kgs+ prior to race day(s).

Generally all good - feeling a little fitter.

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

VO2 Max (running) finally back to 50 and 'Superior rating'

This morning my scheduled run and Garmin Coach recommendation didn't really work out as planned. My Garmin watch somehow disconnected from the system and I was forced into going solo - just a 7km out and back run at a steady pace along the seafront, up to see the new Sea Laines 50m outside pool.

My legs felt a little heavy (maybe it was my body!) - I don't know the reason why as I had a couple of rest days (only an easy spin on the bike). Anyway, when I finished I was a little surprised and generally quite pleased to see that my VO2 Max for my running had increased from 49 (Excellent rating) to 50 (Superior), based on my age.

It has been higher (Ironman days) although I am glad I am back in top bracket (last time - end of 2022) and apparently in the top 5% for my age and gender.

Now how to move it to 51?

Monday, 29 May 2023

DIY e-MTB and new life for Ellsworth Epiphany

Bank Holiday and today I completed the conversion of my old trusty 26inch Ellsworth Epiphany mountain bike into a e-beast with a powerful Bafang mid-motor and crazy large 48v 19Ah battery, which is too big for the frame so goes in a backpack - crazy but wow it is fun!

More on that later but first the scores on the doors for the week - just scaped over the line with 6 hours of cycling and running (3 sets) training.

I am still going with Garmin Coach and generally enjoying the sets. A couple of cycle commutes thrown in for good measure. No swimming and no strength sessions - not so good!

Today (new week) were some more 'Goal Race Repeats' - I am probably doing them a bit fast (faster than half-marathon goal pace). Later in the week I have a similar set but 'Speed Repeats' so they should be quicker, hopefully it will help me to tune in to the recommended session pacing.

As mentioned earlier I did have a cheeky hour on the new improved Ellsworth Epiphany, now with a powerful Bafang motor to power it up the hills. I may need to do a bit of tuning and fit gear/brake sensors to stop the motor firing all the time. I am not completely convinced I have sized the chain that well so work to be done!

I do love my DIY e-bikes (Brompton and now e-MTB) - great fun and good for recovery days. Don't worry I am not going completely e-Bonkers (digital) and my road plus triathlon remain analogue (old school).

So need to rectify the lack of swimming and strength work for rest of the week. Might try a sea swim tomorrow if waves aren't too big. Also 4 runs scheduled for this week - one completed so 3 left.

Onwards and upwards 

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Another decent week of training but not hitting 6 hours+

So a number of decent training sets this week - I am still working through a Garmin Coach half-marathon intermediate plan (1:40 target pace) - only 3 runs a week with a focus on high-cadence drills, gliders (walk-jog-run transition), hill repeats, goal pace repeats and a long run (also incorporating some run/walk). This week I also had a test 'Magic Mile', which I completed at 6:48 - 1st time so looking to improve over coming weeks.

There was no swimming this week so I really need to start introducing more time in the pool, lake and sea. Actually I was also light on the strength work, maybe not such a good week!

Anyway, the weather looks to be improving and I have a couple of cycle commutes planned, a min of 3 runs (possibly 4) and a swim - you never know I might even make 6 hours plus!

Monday, 15 May 2023

A SwimRun day

On Sunday I managed a decent long run. My Garmin Coach wanted an easy pace 11.6km but I finally had some spare time so decided to push the distance a little. I planned for a 16km loop (ended up over 17km), mostly off-road, at an easy pace (around 6min per km).

The run didn't get off to the best start. In the field opposite me (within first 300m of run) I lost my footing and lunged forward grazing my leg and wrist. Fortunately I hadn't done any other damage so I dusted myself down and continued the run.

The rest of the run passed with not much drama - all felt relatively easy at the 6min per km pace - there were some super boggy fields that I wish I avoided, literally my foot disappeared in the sloppy mud. It did make me change my route a little and I ended up with the last 5km on the road.

When I got home the first thing I did was wash my trainers (fortunately I wore my SwimRun Salomons) and then I hit the shower to see exactly what damage I had done from the fall - not too bad. I also weighed myself and was not surprised to see a decent reduction, albeit probably all water. It dropped a massive 1.6kg, although the next weigh in, before bed, and it was up 1.1kg, so a net loss of 0 5kg.

That same day I also went up to Southwater Lake for the first dip of the season. Only one other swimmer joined me (Julie), although we had a spotter (Miles) watching us both. Julie is a much stronger swimmer than me so off she went, I actually used my paddles (SwimRun training) during the 1000m swim or 4 laps of the lake. It was surprisingly warm(ish) with my wetsuit, well a lot better than going in the sea. My arms did hurt that evening, probably too much paddle work, so much so I had to take a Paracetamol to ease the pain.

Tomorrow will definitely be a day of rest. I probably only managed 5 hours+ of training for the week, however it was quality sessions (more specific).

Here is a picture of me and Julie taken after the lake swim, taken by Miles and posted onto our Club website to try and encourage other Club athletes to swim in future weeks.

Friday, 12 May 2023

Garmin Coach

So my initial plan (last post) is not exactly working out - but, the new plan is looking OK. Since my last post I have been trying out one of Garmin's coaching programs (half marathon - intermediate level). The Coach (an experienced, albeit well-seasoned coach/athlete) recommends integrating walking in between some of the run sets. He is also an advocate of high cadence drills, gliding (transitioning from walk-jog-run) and hill repeats, which I did today. 

This Sunday is going to be a heavier set with a long run (1.5 hours plus), which I haven't done for a while. I am going to keep it easy but it will be nice to get some increased mileage in the legs. 

My weekly swim will be rescheduled for Monday evening (club swim) but I will need to make every effort to build the weekly swim up to 2 sessions over the coming weeks. This week has also seen greater strength work although my legs were tired after some weighted squats and lunges.

Right, going to plan my route for Sunday's run. Over and out.

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Plan for the week

Still aiming for 6+ hours of base training (swim, run, bike, weights/strength) this week - doesn't have to be too race specific simply decent quality sessions, moving me in the right direction:

Bank holiday Monday: recovery day (post some heavy sessions on the Sunday)
Tue: 30min recovery run [DONE] - legs still heavy after recent weighted squats/lunges
Wed: 1 hour tempo or threshold run
Thu: 1 hour swim (local pool)
Fri: 2 hour cycle; 30 mins weights/strength
Sat: 1 hour Peloton bike
Sun: 30 min run; 30 mins weights/strength

If I can successfuly complete majority of above sets then I am well across the line. Meanwhile, need to re-focus on weight management and make further progress.

See you on the other side

Monday, 8 May 2023

Good and bad for Coronation weekend

On the whole a relatively decent week - volume was bang on 6 hours after including some weights and strength sets. I also got in a Club swim, 2 cycles and 2 runs. Would have liked another run - 3+ is my weekly goal, however I enjoyed the swim and managed a decent enough pace/effort over the hour albeit some of that was with paddles and pull-buoy (good practice for SwimRun 'A' race).

The disappointment came in the weight management - I was doing really well and was down another 1kg earlier in the week, however with a Friday dinner party and the Coronation celebrations over the weekend my food/drink choices were not most ideal - nothing terrible but the scales didn't like it! It could be that my weight loss was too aggressive and as soon as I added back more normal levels of carbs/sugar (nothing crazy) my body was going to store every bit of it.

Anyway, it is not going to stop me moving forward. Next 1-2 weeks back on it plus lots more fitness planned. More on that in my next post.

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

How the week is shaping

I got out the old Cannondale Road bike for my commute in/out of Brighton yesterday and managed to log a Local Legend Strava section for most number of rides over 90 days.

This morning I followed Garmin's recommendation for a Threshold run set that included 18mins at sub 5:05 per km, although I aimed for under 5mins (looked better). My VO2 max for running according to Garmin remains pretty stuck at 49 - still in top 5% of men of my age group, although lower than my previous 50+ Over the coming months and as my training volume/intensity increases I would like to see that number back above 50.

Meanwhile, the weight goal target remains someway off, however I have made steady and hopefully sustainable headway in the right direction. The first 2 kg were relatively easy to lose but since then progress has slowed and it will definitely be harder to shift the next 2kg - need to be consistent and keep going.

The weather tomorrow looks nice so would be great to get another run in the bank. I have cleared my garage and dusted off the weights, TRX and pull-up bar - next stage - use them!!

I need to bring the total training volume to around 6 hours this week so that does mean logging some additional miles - a long run or potential swim on Sat/Sun.

Sunday, 30 April 2023

Watching Alex at Hyrox Worlds in Olympia

Sunday morning - train journey home after an early start and a trip up to London Olympia to see my Son (Alex) compete in his first Hyrox event.

All very exciting - amazingly fit athletes tackle 8 different exercises together with 8x 1km run loops. Alex and his training partner entered as a pair to share the exercises and motivate each other, although the pressure is on as you don't want to let your partner down.

They did really well and looked strong throughout finishing in a great time of circa. 1:13:00.

So would I have a crack.... I would never say no, however there are other events higher on my priority list. At the moment I would struggle with the individual exercises - simply not strong enough. Most of the Hyrox athletes were ripped and looked to have excellent upper body strength.

Alex has suggested doing a Tough Mudder event together, now I like the sound of that.

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

More about the training plan - working around the detail

So far this week I have managed a run/strength set, a relatively easy commute (spin) on e-Brompton and an easy 30 minute trail run with a few push-ups added to the mix. Probably need to get in an interval set, more strength+weights and then a longer (10km+) run in over the weekend.

Thinking ahead to my 'A' race - SwimRun (Sept) and 'B' race - Bath half-marathon (Oct) I have just over 20 weeks to consider my training plan.

Big picture and core blocks:

- 6 weeks foundation
- 6 weeks build
- 6 weeks specific
- 2 weeks taper

So in my initial 6 weeks foundation I am simply interested in buiding up the volume from circa 3-4 hours to a minimum of 6 hours, getting 3x runs in during the week (sprint/hill work + tempo + long), mixing up the terrain from off-road and road and occasionally throwing in an easy recovery run. During the foundation phase over May-Jun I hope to get at least 1-2 swims a week (pool or sea). Plus increasing amount of strength/resistance work. I expect there will also be some cross-training, primarily cycling, as I cannot forget my triathlon background. In summary, the focus is getting in some quality workouts but I am not necessarily too worried during the early months about how it all fits together to move me towards my specific goals. Let's say I am pointing in the right direction.

During the summer months Jun-Jul I need to increase the volume of my swimming and also start to include more Swim/Run transitions. There will be a greater emphasis on higher interval sets and improving both speed and endurance. I hope my weekly volume with also improve to circa 8 hours+

For the final block from Jul-Aug I aim to get much more specific in my training. I will expect to have at least a couple of weekly sessions where it is full SwimRun kit practising transitions, use of all the gear and very targeted workouts to ensure I am best prepared for September.

Finally I will reduce the training volume at the end of Aug, early September as I taper down for the main event. Focus on keeping injury free, good balanced diet (hopefully the right weight by then), well hydrated, clear visualisation of the event, and setting some goals for the big day. 

After the 'A' race my focus will shift to the Bath half-marathon, albeit my 'B' race and assisting Amalie complete her first proper running event - more on that later.

Lots more detail and weekly breakdown to come plus all the 'ups and downs' but that is the high-level roadmap.

Wish me luck

Monday, 24 April 2023

Trying out a Huel protein shake

I haven't much worried about my protein intake over recent years, however after recent calorie tracking via MyFitnessPal I realised my consumption of protein was pretty much always under the daily recommended levels. As you may have read from recent blogs I am attempting to reduce carbs and increase protein whilst also targeting some body fat/weight loss.

The weekday fast seems to be achievable - this morning I kept to a morning black coffee/green tea. At midday I went for an easy zone 1 recovery run but added in 6x sets of 10x push-ups, lunges, squats and bench-dips. On my return to the office I made myself a Huel 'Vanilla Fudge'  complete protein shake - 105 calories per serving, 20g plant-based protein, 9g of Amino Acids and 26 essential vitamins and minerals. You make it with cold water - tastes kind of OK, albeit a bit sweet. I also bought the 'Banana' flavour to try.

Huel sent me a complimentary pack of their 'Salted Caramel' Black Edition formula - 17:40:40: 3 macro split - carbs, fat, protein and fibre respetively. It is a larger 400 calorie serving but includes 40g of protein.

I think the 105 complete protein is a good option initially to keep my calories low so I can enjoy a balanced evening meal (circa 700 calories) and try to keep to around 800 calories for the day in order to lose weight (at least to my target of 79.5kg). Thereafter I will switch to higher calories and ideally a Mediterranen diet with continued higher protein intake.

This regime plus regular exercise and more strength/resistance work should help me to get down to my target race weight and be the long-term foundation to build muscle, speed and stamina.

All sounds good!!

N.B. Last time I was actually below 80kg was 2019

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Watching the London marathon after a very wet 10km local loop

10am on 23rd April and I am sitting with a coffee with the London marathon playing on the TV. Just back from a very wet 10km local loop - really grey and miserable out but so pleased I braved the weather - actually I always quite enjoy running in the rain.

Back for a nice warm shower and here I am - great opportunity to update you on a few points.

Not much to say on the exercise/fitness volume this week. It took me a couple of days to get my body back to normal after the long journey back from Vietnam. I managed a run and easy e-bike plus daily pushups in addition to this morning's effort.

On the weight loss plan I haven't really kept to 800 calories a day (very hard), however I have been in successful reducing sugar, alcohol, carbs and increasing protein. For Mon-Fri I fasted between 8pm to 12pm only drinking a black coffee in the morning. The net result on my weight was a decrease from 87.1kg (ouch!) to around 85kg, which is promising. The next 2-3kg is going to be more difficult and then to reach sub 80kg even harder but one step at the time.

Another event in the diary - I have entered the Bath half-marathon on 15th October 2023. Lucy's daughter (Amalie) wants me to run with her. Bath is her university City. It is after my main 'A Race' SwimRun in September so I hope to be in decent enough shape - let's hope so.

I must say watching the London marathon is getting me motivated for entering more events.

Monday, 17 April 2023

Back on home turf - it begins!

So I am back home after a wonderful family holiday to Vietnam.

There was a lot of travelling plus sitting down over the last fortnight and not always the best food choices (more fried food than Pho noodles). The damage - my weight on return to the UK was 87.1kg, the heaviest I have been for many years.

I have already posted my plan to get back to a normal weight range for my age and height - a bit of work to do!

Today was day 1 - I wanted to ideally keep to 800 calories, 50g+ of protein, 50g- of carbs and a fasting period of 16 hours.

I started with a morning black coffee and then some chicken plus humus at 1pm (18 hours after I last consumed food). I had a well balanced evening meal - salmon, baked potato, broccoli and then some yoghurt, mango, blueberries and walnuts. I was quite amazed when the total for everything (nothing missed) was circa. 1,100 calories. I did manage a 30 min run, which apparently used up 500 calories so you could argue my net total was less.

I am contemplating switching out lunch for a protein meal replacement (like Huel), which could reduce the calories further still.

Tomorrow my Garmin scales come, which will allow me to track my weight more regularly.

Saturday, 15 April 2023

The eating plan (or lack of it)

So before I create the training plan my focus is more on the eating plan (or lack of it) to try and help me get back on track and down to a more sensible weight level prior to increasing the training volume.

This is especially topical as I write this post at an airport on my return journey from a family holiday in Vietnam where not all the food choices were the best!

The plan is as follows (stage 1):
- Reduce calories to below 800 per day for first few weeks, at least during weekdays
- Carbs less than 50g and protein more than 50g, log on Fitness Pal
- 16:8 intermittent fasting, eating in the window of 12pm - 8pm
- Black coffee, green tea or water to get me through the morning
- Low-calorie protein shake (might try Huel) around lunchtime
- Some almonds for snack, if hungry
- Proper meal around 6:30ish
- Keep going until I have dropped at least 3-4kg

Stage 2 is to push the calories up to circa. 1,000 but increase protein to 80-100g per day. Still trying to keep to lower calories from Mon-Thu and increase a bit more on Fri-Sun, keeping the carbs lower, at least until I lose a couple more kilos.

Stage 3, once I hit target weight of 79.5kg, revert to Mediterranean diet - don't worry too much about counting calories. Protein up to 100-120g per day.

During Stage 1-2 I will continue training but will not push it. Once I get to Stage 3 training volume can increase as should strength/HIT workouts.

That's it in a nutshell - I will report my starting (current) weight but expect it to be 86-87kg, post holiday, heaviest I have been for some time and not where I want to start for my SwimRun training plan.

Also looking at purchasing some Garmin scales to better track my progress.

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Thinking ahead to some (serious) training in the weeks to come

Today hasn't been too indulgent on the food/drink volume, however the only exercise has been a 26min snorkel and a 30min walk! I should learn to relax and enjoy the slight indulgences of the holiday, however I am sure the weight is still going north and I have quite a big job to get back to race weight/fitness.

A holiday is always a great way to reset and provide that mindspace to think about your goals and getting back on track. I am not going to beat myself up too much as I never go silly (not in my makeup) but I do know when it is time to move the needle and that time is very close.

I need to do it for me - time to focus, time for a bit of selfishness, I need to feel that buzz once again - reaching for a goal and following through to get the result required, although enjoying the journey along the way. Let's do it!

N.B. Remind me to be careful participating in other non-triathlete sports. I joined in a volleyball game with the younger boys yesterday and today my arms are killing me!

Friday, 7 April 2023

 The slowest triathlon ever - Good Friday (Morning) in Vietnam

So looking at my Garmin I managed a run, cycle, swim, cycle today - I think you can just about call that a triathlon, or maybe not!

I was up at 6:30am and joined one of our Exodus group (Kev) for a morning run. Even at 6:30am the city was pretty busy (lots of motorbikes) and the temperature was 25-30 degrees. We managed 6km at a relatively easy pace in the heat and traffic.

After breakfast our tour itinerary listed a cycle to the beach - my kind of activity. Unfortunately the single speed bikes (with baskets on the front) had seen better days, however it was great to spin the legs. It was a very slow ride (26 of us - all abilities) to the beach, although we clocked 9km (in 41 mins). Next it was the sea swim, well really 20 mins jumping over the waves, followed by some sunbathing and then the cycle back to the hotel. A triathlon it was definitely not, although the first time I logged the three activities together for some time.

Onwards and upwards!

Wednesday, 5 April 2023


A day of travelling yesterday - little to no exercise - toast for breakfast, toasted ham and cheese sandwich plus chips for lunch and a famous Bánh mì (baguette with pork and lots of other nice stuff) washed down with coffee, beer and coke (not all at once). What a food disaster!

Quick swim when we finally got to hotel at 9pm - my tiny bit of movement.

At least this morning I was up at 6am and down for some pool lengths and push-ups, lunges, squats etc.

More walking and swimming today, and yes... less bread!

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Good morning Vietnam

Now on a boat heading back to harbour before another 4 hours drive back to Hanoi and then a short plane journey to our next destination further South. Lovely group of people on the trip and a couple of runners, cyclists and one swimming instructor.

Yesterday (before the boat trip) I got out for a morning run around the lake in Hanoi. It was fun and exciting to see Hanoi wake up with lots of Thai Chi going on (big groups), dancing and power walkers plus a few runners to add to mix. I hope I can get a few more runs in over next few days. I certainly need it to offset the hours sat on my bum travelling and the food/drink I am consuming.

That SwimRun training plan is going to feel tough!

Friday, 31 March 2023

Off on hols

So I am writing this post from 12K up in the air on route to Hanoi, Vietnam via Kuala Lumpur. 

We have been on the plane for approx. 11 hours already and have 1:45 to go to Kuala Lumpur when we transfer to another flight (another 3 hours) after 2.5 hours at the airport - what an epic journey!

During the plane flight I have feasted on food, drink and movies plus a bit of reading, what else can you do... oh yes, write a blog.

The last week has been full on work and prep for the holiday so training has taken very much of a backseat. It is a shame because the previous week was a bit more promising on training volume.

Anyway, that is life. I am very lucky to have this opportunity for an amazing adventure holiday in Vietnam. There will plenty more travelling but hopefully time for swimming, cycling and even some running. Let's see what I can get up too.

Sunday, 26 March 2023

Not perfect but good enough

So I made it to Sunday and got the majority of the plan completed - not that it is really a proper plan yet, simply thinking more seriously about the sessions I need to do and shift the gear in May - Aug.

Not the 6+ hours I scheduled but a good 4-5 hours of mixed sessions, including a club swim (first for 3 months), albeit I dropped down a lane, from 4 to 5.

In the swim I started OK and thought I would be alright but as the lengths added up I realised how 'swim unfit' you can get in 3 months, probably the longest time I have had off swimming since I started triathlon training in 2006!

I am really going to have get back to 2-3 weekly swims (pool, lake and sea) to be able to do my SwimRun A-Race justice - so lots of work ahead.

Next week is going to be a bit crazy as we head off to Vietnam on Saturday so I need to clear the decks at work/home before we jet off. Hopefully I might get in another couple of runs but I will be lucky to break 2 hours in total.

The family holiday in Vietnam is a bit of an adventure affair - lots of travel but we will also be very active.

Will try to check back before we jet off and during the holiday. My trainers, running gear plus swimming goggles will be packed and I am expecting some use!

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

So far, so good

It's Tuesday and so far, so good. Mon + Tue training sessions completed as planned. Today I simply let Garmin Coach provide the program and it suggested a sprint set - 15 mins warm up then 15 secs sprint at a target pace of 3:10 mins per km with 3 min recovery (repeat another 5 times). I thought I would be a bit light on the pacing, despite the very short time period of work (pain) but actually I did quite well. My 15 sec splits were as follows:

1. 2:50
2. 3:02
3. 3:03
4. 2:54
5. 3:03

Comfortably under the 3:10 target zone. The recovery was supposed to be around the 6:45-7:30 min per km pace but I kept it around 5:45-6:00, which felt nice and gentle.

Tomorrow I hope to jump on the Peloton bike for a strength/power set and follow up with some core strength.

Thursday back to the running. Saturday will be a big test - planned Club Swim, I haven't swum for ages so might find that a struggle - thinking I may have to drop down a lane.

I will keep you updated.

Sunday, 19 March 2023

Need to move the needle

I have a rough plan for my SwimRun training beginning when I return from my holiday in mid-April but I am still keen to move the needle a bit before then - a couple of 30-40min runs, a bike commute (sometimes on an e-bike), and a few press-ups is simply not going to cut it.

My plan (separate blog to follow) is likely to be 6-8 hours+ a week, a long way from my 10-15 hours of training for Ironman, although that was some years back. At the moment 2-3 hours is pathetic and my diet is still a long way from perfect. I have managed to reduce the alcohol but still need to ditch the sugary + fatty foods and increase the protein. Getting more serious about strength training would also be more welcome.

Meanwhile, looking at the week ahead:

Mon: 1:30 bike commute (on road bike, keep me away from e-power!)
Tue: 30 min run intervals
Wed: 30 min Peloton bike (strength) and 15 min core
Thu: 1:00 run, incl. tempo set(s)
Fri: 30 min strength
Sat: 1:00 Club swim
Sun: 1:30 long run

Well that would be 6 hours but I haven't completed a full week like that for years.... let's see how I do!

The weather does not look great but that is no excuse for getting it done

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

2 days in a row - look at me!

Back after only posting yesterday... maybe a new start (don't hold your breath)!

Trying to commit to 25+ push ups every morning - got them in for the last few days. 

Today I also managed a short sprint session today (recommended by my Garmin Fenix 6).

No real training plan yet but hoping to run again 2-3 more times this week and maybe a pool swim (that would be a novelty). Meanwhile need to move the push ups up a level to more meaningful sessions in the 'cave of pain' (the garage) and regular use of TRX, weights, kettlebell(s) and pull up bar (love to be able to get to 10 pull ups, unassisted).

Onwards and upwards 

Monday, 13 March 2023

A new goal - As Keen As Mustard Bewl Water Swimrun Event (17.09.2023)

I thought I would check in to confirm I finally have committed to a proper event (my 'A' race), scheduled for 17th September 2023 - As Keen As Mustard Bewl Water Swimrun.

It is a solo SwimRun - in total 21km, broken down as follows:

Run 1  175m; Swim 1 850m
Run 2 600m; Swim 2 400m
Run 3 300m; Swim 3 400m
Run 4 2000m; Swim 4 350m
Run 5 900m; Swim 5 300m
Run 6 850m; Swim 6 270m
Run 7 7200m; Swim 7 1000m
Run 8 4000m; Swim 8 250m
Run 9 20m; Swim 9 600m
Run 10 800m

That is 18 transitions - lots's of fun and games!

I am yet to prepare a detailed training plan (6 months to play with) but I need to include the following (high level):

- Get back to 6 hours+ weekly swim and run training (some cycling for cross-training)
- Lose 4-5 kg of weight, happy to be around 80kg(ish) - ideally just in the 70's
- In addition to some pool swimming (once a week - Christ's Hospital + Triangle) I expect to use lake + sea for swim/run transitions and working out best combination of equipment (paddles + pull buoy)
- Important to include some strength traning - resistance (TRX) and weights - aim for 2-3 short sessions a week

I am hoping that this will encourage me to also book in some 'B' races - possibly some Club triathlon events and may be a half-marathon (trail and/or Bath).

There is work to be done!!

A sad week - mind elsewhere

This week has been OKish for training although my heart and mind have been elsewhere... Unfortunately Lucy lost her Mum on Wednesday 22nd Ma...